Tuesday, December 23, 2008


There is so much snow but we finally made it to my parents. I'm excited to check-out for a few days and enjoy family, good foods, and maybe a few gifts :)
I hope that you are all safe and sound and staying warm...have a very merry christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas time is here!!!

I can't believe how fast it's going by...but something about this year feels different. I know that everett has no idea what christmas is, he doesn't know about baby Jesus, who came to save us and what a joyful thing that is...but still, having our son, our little munchkin- makes things 10 times more special and more enjoyable...we have SO much to be thankful for this christmas, but i am most thankful for my husband and little boy... (and Snow :)

Everett is now quite the crawler, and LOVES to stand against anything he can...and LOVES even more to get into trouble :)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

We love Edwards!!!

We had our annual trip to Edward's apple orchard last weekend...
It was so fun but totally not apple picking weather...this probably sounds wierd but i'm ready for cooler temperatures!! Here are some pics :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Here we are!!!

we are now part of the bloggin family! :)